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Leader in music games, Harding Trading offers PUMP IT UP LX in the latest PHOENIX version of ANDAMIRO and STEP MANIAX DX of STEP REVOLUTION. The Phoenix version of PUMP IT UP with 55-inch screen adds expanded content and technical enhancements to the iconic 5-Tile dance simulation game. Prominent among these features is the new Premium mode, designed for players looking for more demanding challenges. Music is at the heart of Pump It Up and Phoenix raises the bar with a comprehensive and rhythmic playlist. With over 500 tracks, the new game’s music library includes 150 upgrades, the latest K-pop hits and many more. Phoenix is also available in upgrade packages compatible with existing LX (55″) cabinets and TX (55‘), CX (43’) and FX (42″) cabinets. The alternative is in the hands of STEP REVOLUTION, which with its STEP MANIAX DX offers a cabinet with a large navigation touchscreen (65’ monitor) that is intuitive and easy to use. Each song, with different levels of difficulty, from beginner to expert, allows players of all levels to challenge each other, and via a mobile phone application to enter the world ranking by framing the qrcode at the end of the game. Music also plays a major role here with over 450 songs; the game offers energetic and catchy music that appeals to Western and European audiences: there is something for everyone! And with additional content available via network downloads released every month via wifi for free. For both cabinets, in cooperation with the producers and the team of fantastic supporters, Harding promotes music tournaments, both during the fair and at other times of the year in selected locations, so stay tuned with our social media and new music beats.
